Solar EPC Software & Services Support

Solar EPC is a highly competitive sector that demands high efficiency along the entire business chain – from marketing to project implementation to O&M.

It is hence imperative that solar EPCs that wish to successfully scale their businesses start automating a number of processes, and also outsource activities that are not key to their core business. This will enable improved efficiency and reduced costs.

Solar Mango, the #1 Solar Guide, can provide outsourced assistance for solar EPCs in

software development and in related business activities.

Who will Benefit from Our Solar EPC Support Solutions?

If you are a solar EPC, there is a good chance that you will benefit from one or more of our software/support solutions.

Our expertise can benefit solar EPCs and system integrators operating in all the key solar PV domains:

  • Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants
  • Residential, Commercial & Industrial Rooftop Solar Power Plants
  • Offgrid solar products – solar streetlights, lanterns, solar water pumps
  • Innovative solar power plant installations such as floating solar power plants, hybrid solar power plants, BIPV (building integrate photovoltaic), tracker-based solar power plants

List of Software and Support Solutions Provided by Solar Mango

Marketing and Sales Assist – Software and Solutions

Procurement and Project Management Assist – Software and Solutions

Why Solar Mango?

Solar Mango brings a unique intersection of expertise and knowledge.

  • Our consulting and research teams have an exceptional understanding of the solar power (especially solar PV) sector.
  • Our software solutions team has been developing software both for our own internal needs as well as needs of our partners.
  • Finally, we have a creative team of marketing professionals who can assist other companies in the solar sector develop powerful and effective marketing materials.

The above set of skills enable us to offer customized, high-quality and effective solutions to solar EPCs along the entire business chain – from marketing to post-implementation O&M.

Not Just Indian Solar EPCs!

While Solar Mango is located in Chennai, India, many of our solutions and support services are offered for the global solar EPC market.

Interested in Benefitting from Solar Mango’s support solutions for Solar EPCs?

Get in touch with Ramya Gopinath –

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