Riding the Solar Wave – Diversifying into Solar Panel manufacturing by HarSolar

Riding the Solar Wave – Diversifying into Solar Panel manufacturing by HarSolar

An Interview @REI 2016

Solar is hot. And many medium and large Indian businesses are looking to strike the iron when it is hot. It is not a rare occasion that an existing Indian business is diversifying into the real sunrise industry – Solar. There are several case studies for both related and unrelated solar diversification of many Indian companies entering the solar sector.

HarSolar can be safely quoted for one such successful diversification case studies.

HarSolar Pvt. Ltd is a part of Harisons & Harlaj Ltd. owned and managed by the same management, which has been involved in manufacturing and exporting textile products since 40 years. The parent company (Harisons & Harlaj) is also into automobile dealership business for Maruti Suzuki.

HarSolar is primarily into Solar module manufacturing having an automatic 30 MW manufacturing plant located at Panipat, Haryana. They are also into EPC services, mainly for rooftop solutions. In fact they began their solar journey as a solar EPC and then vertically integrated to become a module maker.

Solar Mango team was able to catch up with Mr.Deepak Wadhwa, CEO of HarSolar Pvt Ltd for a brief interview during the recent REI Expo 2016, held at Noida. A quick snapshot of the interview is given below:


Interview with HarSolar

What are the key products and solutions HarSolar provides to the Indian solar sector?

Solar modules is our prime product. We have panels ranging from 3 Wp to 315 Wp.

We are an end-to-end EPC solutions provider too, mainly for rooftop solar projects. We also provide lighting systems for rural areas.

Which are the key end user segments for your products and solutions?

For solar modules, EPCs are our key end user segments. For EPC solutions, our focus is mainly on Industrial and commercial sector.

What are the highlights and USPs of your products and solutions?

Customized solar panel manufacturing is how we try to differentiate. We have done 12V to 96V solar panels that were made to order. Solar panels for telecom towers requires customization. Hence, we cater to this market.

 Any future products and solutions you are coming up with for the Indian market?

Solar lighting system for rural areas is what we are working on, presently. This will a complete packaged product that will come in a box – that can power a typical rural house. We will be launching this in another 6 months.

What are the key learnings you have had from the Indian solar energy sector so far?

Solar modules business is a hyper-competitive sector. And there is very little perceived value for any attempted differentiation.

What, according to you, are the key challenges faced by the Indian Solar market?

There are no standards being followed for module manufacturing. Indian Government has to come up with some norms for this.

People with very little technical knowledge also can easily sell solar. There has to be some kind of solar education to impart basic skills to ensure quality solar installations.

To know more about HarSolar,

Contact – Deepak Wadhwa, CEO

Email – deepak@harsolar.com

Website – http://www.harsolar.com/index.php

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