Growatt Solar Inverters Stock Available for Sale – Solar Mango

One of Solar Mango’s partner vendors has stock of Growatt make inverters of different capacities as listed below.

Those interested in purchasing these can send a note to . Thanks!

Growatt is well known brand and India’s second preferred roof top grid connected inverters.

Major Indian developers and EPCs such as TATA, DFL  Reliance etc are already using Growatt inverters in their implementations.

The Growatt inverters are certified as per all necessary IEC standards and approved by MNRE.

The availability is as follows:

Inverter rating # of inverters available
1 2 kW – 1 Phase 10
2 3 kW – 1 Phase 70
3 5 kW – 1 Phase 10
4 5 kW – 3 Phases 2
5 10 kW – 3 Phases 10
6 20 kW – 3 Phases 8
7 33 kW – 3 Phases 5
8 40 kW – 3 Phases 5

Send a note to and our team will immediately coordinate interactions.

Please do  circulate this note to your relevant contacts too. Thank you.

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