India Solar Financing Advisor

An expert guide – from Solar Mango

Price – Rs 17,500/

Invaluable Expert Advice for Solar Power Plant Developers

The Only Guide Available for Solar Power Plant Financing in India

While the central and state governments in India are making ambitious plans to grow solar at a breakneck speed, especially through MW solar power plants, there is one key challenge that every developer faces: Financing.

Right from 2010, when the National Solar Mission was launched in India, financing has been the real challenge most developers still have not come to terms with.

At the same time, an optimal approach to solar power financing can make a significant difference to every developer, both in terms of completion of the project in time and more important, maximizing returns from the project.

Having interacted with over a hundred solar power developers, and with almost all the key financing sources and stakeholders in the last four years, EAI, through its SolarMango team has put together the first Expert Guide for Solar Power Financing in India.

For those keen on taking the best first steps to getting their solar power projects, this will be an invaluable guide that could make or break their solar power project ambition.

This is the only Industry Guide for MW Solar Power Plants available for the Indian market as of Apr 2015.

Developed by experts who advised The World Bank, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, 10+ Fortune 100 Companies, Reliance, Vedanta, MNRE,many state governments and more.


List of Contents

  1. Review of Solar Power Plants in India
    1. 1.1 Growth in Solar in India
    2. 1.2 Growth in MW Solar in India
      • 1.2.1 Key drivers
      • 1.2.2 Key bottlenecks
    3. 1.3 Projections Until 2020
  2. Business Models for MW Scale Solar Power Plants in India
    1. 2.1 Based on Solar Policies
      1. State Solar Policies
      2. Central Solar Policies
    2. 2.2 Based on Captive Consumption
    3. 2.3 Based on Sale to Private Third Parties
    4. 2.4 The RoIs, Paybacks and IRRs for Each of the Above
  3. Trends in MW Solar Power Plant Implementation in India
    1. 3.1 Across States
      • Gujarat
      • Maharashtra
      • Andhra Pradesh
      • Telengana
      • Karnataka
      • Tamil Nadu
      • Madhya Pradesh
      • Chattisgarh
      • Orissa
      • Rajasthan
      • Punjab
      • Haryana
    2. 3.2 Across Business Models
      • Sale to government utility (through a state or central solar policy)
      • Self / captive consumption
      • Sale to third party private company
      • With and Without Accelerated Depreciation Benefits
      • Through the REC Route
  4. Profiles of Companies that have Implemented Solar Power Plants
    1. 4.1 IPPs (Independent power producers)
    2. 4.2 Corporates
    3. 4.3 Small and Medium Businesses
    4. 4.4 Individuals
    5. 4.5 Others – government organizations, NGOs…
  5. Avenues for Financing for Solar Power Plants in India
    1. 5.1 Financing Avenues
      1. Debt
      2. Equity
    2. 5.2 Financing Sources
      1. 5.2.1 Domestic Sources
        • IREDA, PFC and Other Government Institutions
        • Government and Private Sector Banks
        • NBFCs
      2. 5.2.2 International Sources
        • Multilateral organizations
        • Commercial international sources
        • Country specific trade-based financing sources – from Europe, USA and China
      3. 5.2.3 A comprehensive list of lenders is provided for each of the above categories.
      4. 5.2.4 For each of the above, details on the typical lending rates and tenures are provided.
  6. Solar Power Plant Financing Challenges
    1. 6.1 Off-taker Challenge
    2. 6.2 Developer Credibility
    3. 6.3 High Rate of Interest
    4. 6.4 Difficulty in Access to International Funding
    5. 6.5 The Financial Returns Challenge
    6. 6.6 Expert Insights and Inputs will be Provided on How to Overcome Each of the Above Challenges
  7. Next Steps for Financing
    1. 7.1 Best of Breed-Steps and Suggestions will be Provided for each of the following sectors
      1. For large IPPs
      2. 7.1.1 For large corporates
      3. 7.1.2 For small and medium businesses
      4. 7.1.3 For micro businesses or individuals
    2. 7.2 Things to do before approaching banks or other lending sources
      1. 7.2.1 Checklist of the basic parameters to be considered
      2. 7.2.2 Template of a detailed project report
      3. 7.2.3 Mistakes to avoid while approaching a lender


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