Solar Increases Property Valuation of Homes, Says Berkeley Study

Every Watt of solar PV you install on your house adds $4 to your house value. according to a recent study done by U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and a home appraisal expert.

Now, that’s not a bad deal given that the current prices for US residential solar power system is about $3.5/W and will continue decreasing. Now, this is without the ITC that residential solar users in the US can avail, which can bring down the cost to about $2.5/W.

While overall the attractiveness of rooftop solar power for the residential sector (without subsidies and incentives) is not as high as what it is for the commercial or industrial sector, this news of an increased value for their homes due to solar panel installation will definitely be a boost to those who are sitting on the fence in the US.

Article source: Solar Novus

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