Cost Break-Up of Rooftop Solar Power Plants in India, 2016

Solar power generation rates are currently lower than the conventional utility rates, especially for the industrial and commercial sectors, in most parts of India. This is the major driver for businesses opting for rooftop solar power plants.

At Solar Mango, we are regularly asked the cost break-up and particulare of rooftop solar power plants.

But before answering that, let’s list down the components of a rooftop plant:

  • Solar panels that convert sunshine to DC electricity
  • Inverters that convert DC electricity to AC form
  • Cables : DC cables  convey current from panels to inverters and AC cables from inverters to loads
  • Mounting Structures : They support the panels on the rooftops
  • Electrical Peripherals : These include Junction Boxes, Earthing, Lightning Arrestors, Conduits etc. All of these are highly specific to the   design of the power plant.
  • Lastly another cost component is the actual supervision, design and installation for the power plant

With technological advancement, year on year, solar industry is exeriencing significant price reductions.

Solar Mango estimates a rooftop solar power plant to cost between Rs. 55 – 60 per Watt, depending on the quality of components chosen.We have given ballpark numbers for the costs of rooftop power plant components below – and this holds for 2016:

Components Cost/Watt(Rs.)
Solar Modules 32-35
Inverters 6-12
Cables 1-2
Structure 1.7-5
Peripherals (JBs, DC protection systems, earthing, lightning arrestor) 2
Supervision, design and installation 4

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