What is the Highest Temperature Solar Panels Can Tolerate?


This question is part of the Super Big Solar Panel FAQ from Solar Mango, where expert answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels are provided.


A good number of solar panels will be installed in regions that are hot, well, simply because most of the world’s sunny regions also get really hot, don’t they?

Temperatures in many regions can touch 50 deg C – that’s a lot of degree Farenheit.

It is hence critical to understand how well solar panels perform at elevated temperatures.

Temperature tolerance of solar panels is denoted by temperature coefficient, which denotes the decrease in efficiency of the solar panel with increase in temperature.

Super Big Solar Panel FAQGet to know answers to over 100 important questions on solar panels from here.


Typically, temperature coefficient of solar panels is about -0.4% to -0.6% / degree C.

Thus, as the panel temperature (which itself could be about 20 deg C higher than the ambient temperature) increases every degree beyond 25 deg C, the efficiency of the panel decreases by about -0.5%. Thus a panel with 15% efficiency will have an efficiency 13.5% when the panel temperature reaches 45 deg C.

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5 thoughts on “What is the Highest Temperature Solar Panels Can Tolerate?

  1. Pingback: Big Solar Panel FAQ - 100+ Questions on Solar Panels Answered - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  2. Pingback: What Questions about Solar Panels Should I Ask My Installer or EPC? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  3. Pingback: How Can We Find Out the Grade of a Solar Panel? - Solar Mango – #1 guide for solar

  4. dave

    You never really answered the question. What is the maximum temperature that a PV silicon cell can operate before there is no electricity produced? ie Temperature (T) vs Power (W) vs Voltage (V)?

    Not to the PV Frame, only for the silicon cell (single or multi) structure.

    No need to be specific to silicon cell brand or model, just a number. 65C? 80C? 100C? or ???

  5. Alex Dewey

    Well, there’s solar panels on the ISS. 254 miles from earth and it absorbs about 2000 degrees of heat from the sun. Not sure if these solar panels are any different from the earthly solar panels on the roofs.

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