Super Big FAQ on Rooftop Solar by Solar Mango

In this list of Super Big FAQs on Rooftop Solar , Solar Mango has compiled a comprehensive list of questions answered on various Solar Mango sections.

For ease of use, the questions have been categorized into the following.

  • Rooftop Solar Basics
  • Cost/Investment
  • Components
  • Rooftop System with Battery/Diesel Genset
  • Electricity Generation
  • Installation
  • Incentives/Policies/Regulations
  • Sectors
  • Innovations
  • Other Resources for Rooftop Solar 


  • How Many Solar Panels will be Required for My Rooftop Solar System? – Here
  • What Types of Maintenance are Required for Rooftop Solar Power Plants? – Here
  • What is the Expected Lifetime of Rooftop Solar Power Plants? – Here
  • How much roof area do I require to install a rooftop solar PV system? – Here
  • How Much Space is Required on My Rooftop for 1 kW of Rooftop Solar Power? – Here
  • What is the Payback Period of Rooftop Solar PV Systems? – Here
  • Calculate the roof area required for your solar plant – Here
  • How Much Roof Area Do I Require to Install a Rooftop Solar PV System? – Here
  • Rooftop Solar – Does it make sense for Residences? – Here
  • I Do Not Have Space on My Rooftop. Can I Still Own a Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • How Long Does the Process of Rooftop Solar Installation Take? – Here
  • Calculate the % of your energy consumption per month that can be supplied by rooftop solar – Here
  • Can rooftop solar replace my grid? – Here
  • How will Solar Panels Affect the Aesthetics of My Roof? – Here
  • Do I have to build my own rooftop plant or can I just buy solar power? – Here
  • Types of Solar PV Rooftop Systems and Rooftop Solar – Here
  • Could Rooftop Solar in Cloudy Cities Contribute More than in Sunny Cities? – Here


  • How much does a rooftop solar PV system cost in India? – Here
  • How Much Does a Rooftop Solar PV System Cost? – Here
  • How does the Power Purchase Model Work for Rooftop Solar? – Here
  • If We Plan to Sell Our Home in Future, is a Rooftop Solar Investment a Good One? – Here
  • Having Solar on Industrial Rooftops without Upfront Investment – The Solar PPA Model – Here
  • How Does the Rooftop Solar Leasing Model Work? –  Here
  • As a Rooftop Solar Owner, What Should I Do to Maximise Output and Returns? – Here
  • What is the Installation Cost of Rooftop Solar Power Plant ($/kW) in the US? – Here
  • What is the Installation Cost of Rooftop Solar Power Plant (£/kW) in the UK? – Here
  • What is the Cost of Rooftop Solar Power (p/kWh) in the UK? – Here
  • What is the Cost of Rooftop Solar Power (C/Kwh) in the US? – Here


  • What should I Look for While Choosing Key Components of My Rooftop Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • What Type of Inverter Should I Choose for Rooftop Solar? Central, String or Micro Inverters? – Here
  • What are the Various Components of a Rooftop Solar System? – Here
  • How will Solar Panels Affect the Aesthetics of My Roof? – Here
  • What can Break the Solar Panels Installed on My Rooftop? – Here
  • Can I have Rooftop Solar Panels without Penetrating My Roof? – Here
  • How Critical are Mounting Structures for a Rooftop Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • What are Solar Power Plant Monitoring Systems and What are Their Benefits? – Here
  • Can I Use Thin-film Solar Panels for Rooftop Solar? – Here
  • What are the Warranties and Certifications I should look for in my rooftop PV system? – Here
  • Do I Need Insurance for My Rooftop Solar Power System? – Here


  • How Much Battery Do I Need for My Rooftop Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • How Much Do Batteries Cost for Rooftop Solar Power Plants? – Here
  • Why Batteries are Required for Large Scale Rooftop Solar? – Here
  • How Much Battery Do I Need for My Rooftop Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • Can I have 24×7 Power from Rooftop Solar if I Use Batteries? – Here
  • Can Rooftop Solar PV Replace Diesel Entirely? – Here
  • Is Rooftop Solar Power Cheaper than Diesel/Grid Power? – Here


  • How Much Electricity Does a Rooftop Solar PV System Generate? – Here
  • Does rooftop solar PV generate power during a power failure? – Here
  • What Portion of My Factory’s Electricity Needs can Be Supplied by Solar? – Here
  • How much electricity does a rooftop solar PV system generate? The Indian Scenario – Here
  • How Can I Maximise Generation from Solar Panels from a Limited Rooftop Area? – Here
  • Is It True that a Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant will Stop Generating Power if the Grid is Down? – Here


  • Rooftop Solar -Steps To Implementation – Here
  • How Critical are Mounting Structures for a Rooftop Solar Power Plant? – Here
  • Can My Roof Bear the Weight of Solar Panels? – Here
  • While Installing Solar Panels, How can My Roof Be Protected against Water Leaks? – Here
  • How Should I Choose the Best Installer for My Rooftop Solar Plant? – Here
  • Is My Roof Suitable for Solar Panel Installation? – Here
  • How Long Does the Process of Rooftop Solar Installation Take? – Here
  • Can I Have Ground Mounted Solar Panels for My Home Instead of Rooftop Mounted System? – Here
  • Can Rooftop Solar Installations Withstand Heavy Wind? – Here
  • Is it possible to use my rooftop after installing a rooftop solar power plant? – Here
  • Calculate solar panel capacity for your electrical loads – Here
  • What Types of Roofs are Required for a Solar Plant Installation? – Here
  • Can My Roof Bear the Weight of Solar Panels? – Here


  • What Permits Do I Need for My Rooftop Solar System? – Here
  • What are the various policies and regulations (subsidies, incentives, permissions) that I should consider for my rooftop solar systems? –  Here
  • What are the Incentives Available for Rooftop Solar Installations in India? – Here
  • Key Drivers for Rooftop solar Power in India – Here
  • Major Challenges for Rooftop Solar Power Plants in India – Here


  • Rooftop Solar for Factories – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Warehouses – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Hospitals – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Colleges – Here
  • Rooftop Solar PV for Dairy Farms – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Software Cos. and BPOs – Here 
  • Rooftop Solar PV for Office Buildings – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Hotels – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Shopping Malls – Here
  • How Do Rooftop Solar Benefit Schools? – Here


  • Does It Require Special Expertise to Clean Solar Panels? – Here
  • What is Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)? – Here
  • Attractive Segments and Innovations in Rooftop Solar Sector – Here
  • Should I Go for CPV (Concentrating PV) for My Rooftop? Will It Be Better than Conventional PV? – Here
  • Is It a Good Idea to Have Elevated Solar Panels on My Rooftop to Get an Extra Room? – Here
  • Virtual Net Metering – A Really Disruptive Concept for Rooftop Solar – Here


  • No Compromise Guide to Rooftop Solar Power – Here
  • Installing a Rooftop Solar System – A User’s Perspective – Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Colleges Report – Here
  • Basics of Rooftop Solar PV – Video – Here
  • Rooftop Solar Advisor Report – Here
  • Free Rooftop Solar White Papers from Solar Mango – Here
  • Get to know the cost of Rooftop Solar – Solar calculator for Industrial/Commercial consumers –Here
  • Rooftop Solar for Factories & Offices Report – Here
  • Diesel to Solar – A Case Study On PV Plant Sizing – Here
  • Wish to Know How Much Rooftop Solar Can Satisfy Your Electricity Needs? – Here
  • Rooftop Solar in a Chennai IT Park – Shriram-The Gateway Goes Solar the BOOT Way – Here
  • Rooftop Grid-tied Solar Power Plants – Combining the Power of Solar and Grid – Here
  • The Problem with Rooftop Solar is that…It is Not a Must Have – Here
  • Solar for the CEO – The Big Picture on Rooftop Solar for your Enterprise – Here

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